Check out the latest news in clothing, fashion, and design. Get coaching on building your own fashion brand and learn about the CFD Community.Celebrate CFD - blog

Welcome to CFD

CFD is an up and coming TDL where domainers can acquire short, catchy, web3 names for a quarter of the price of .com names. Great. Now that I said enough to show I know what I'm talking about, let me actually introduce you to the .CFD community. CFD stands for clothing, fashion, and design, a multi-billion dollar industry. One of the hardest parts about starting a small business is getting exposure. You can have the greatest idea in the world, and it still won't work unless somebody sees it. In addition, the world of fashion and design is a very artistic universe that requires a very specific type of thinking. People who are typically good at this kind of thinking, think business strategies are boring. 

Here, we want to help you fix both of those issues. My name is Julie Howe. I am 22 years old. I have grown up in the age of the internet and social media and have been an active follower of fashion and trends for many years. My dad is a 60 year old man who has spent his entire life building a very successful domain business. Between the two of us, we want to create a safe space for clothing, fashion, and design companies to build. We are hoping tha

t by purchasing a .CFD name, users feel like they are a part of something. This automatically gives them a connection. New businesses trying to make it work in one of the most competitive markets nationwide. This appeals to human nature. People want to help people. And small businesses are in the perfect place to promote one another. 

Personally, the .CFD team wants to see all CFD businesses succeed, and want to help in whatever way we can. Because of this, we have extensively researched the steps that come after purchasing the domain name, and offer services and articles to help guide you through the process of starting a clothing or design website. We also want to promote CFDers on our social media, and we hope, and will offer rewards to help, that other CFD companies will help promote new businesses, thus creating an interconnected web of people willing to help each other.

Fashion, Feelings, and the Blue footed Booby

Why Bother With .CFD

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Check out the latest news in clothing, fashion, and design. Get coaching on building your own fashion brand and learn about the CFD Community.